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Hitch a ride on a real-life Transformer

May 1, 2018.

J-deite RIDE.

J-deite RIDE. © Brave Robotics.

Have you ever dreamt about a real-life Transformer? If so, your dreams have come true. A team of three Japanese robotics and design firms has unveiled the J-deite RIDE, a car that transforms into humanoid form. It has been in development since 2014 and was designed by famous mechanical designer Kunio Okawara; it stands four metres tall when in human/robot form. The robot is slower than a real Transformer, though, and takes a full minute to transform from the standing to the car version, and vice versa. It moves with wheels or by walking, but don’t expect it to win any races…it tops out at 100 metres an hour walking speed. Perhaps the coolest feature of this creature: it can do its transformations with two people sitting inside! Although still in the prototype phase, its creators hope to sell this technology to theme parks in the future. All aboard!

J-deite RIDE.

J-deite RIDE. © Brave Robotics.

Science Alert, “Japanese engineers have built a working, real-life Transformer.”