E-bike printed in 3D
Enduro e1. © Kinazo.
Slovakian firm Kinazo Designs has unveiled the “Enduro e1”, a stylish e-bike, created using 3D printing and available for approximately $23,500 USD. Volkswagen Slovakia helped the firm develop the bike through the loan of their X Line 2000R 3D laser printer from Concept Laser, that uses laser-selected sintering (or compression) technology, and is capable of printing very large items (with build areas of 8 x 4 x 5 m). Weighing 20 kg, the Kinazo e1 features an aluminum frame and a mountain-bike style. It is powered by an eDrive system, and available in two versions with a Brose motor and BMZ batteries with 500-650 Wh capacity: Pedelec (up to 25 km/h) or S-Pedelec (up to 45 km/h). A mobile app is used to control the bike’s electronics.
⇨ 3ders.org, “Volkswagen 3D prints $23.5K Kinazo ENDURO e1 electric bicycle in Slovakia.”